The game is loaded with well done story quests both main and side. I have played ESO for years and is one of best MMOs ive played. It does lean more to casual player side but thats not a bad thing especially with all the great games avialable now and days. Its also completely voiced witch many MMOs are not. It really creates great experience and the different zones and areas are unique. I would recommend buying a up to date CHAPTER with collection so you have all the previous chapters and content available. If just want to try wait for free trial or just buy base version.
*Chapters are yearly big expansions that have a main story, new zones, new game mechanics, and weapons and gear. DLC are smaller dungeons and zones that are add ons to chapters that are purchased in game or avialable with eso plus.
Negatives- Many MMOs have rewards tied to things a player has done on their journey. ESO lacks mounts and other earnable stuff through gameplay and puts it in their crown store(cash shop). This really hurts the game and shows a greed that does hurt the game. Their is a lot of dlc content also that is paywalled and lacks discounts even for content that is very old. Old content is still useful in game as they dont dismiss old content like how wow does. They have started doing more value bundles for discounted prices but if you are a new player the prices will add up quick. ESO+ is one of the best subscription MMO models out there with increased bank size and access to all dlc and previous chapters (not current) but this ads another paywall in the game. However you do get crowns to purchase dlcs or cosmetics after buying whatever version you pick up. So you do get your money back in away. Many complaints have been made about combat. The system is smooth if anamation cancelling is done but this takes time to master. I dont think combat is as poor as people say. I do think ESO is more about story and places than exciting combat.
Overall i do love ESO. I do not always agree with the development of the game and how unrewarding game can feel at times. The community is very helpful and rarely have found hostile players. I would recommend this for any MMORPG player especially if you are casual. There is harder content in game but those type players will feel accomplished but may also need another game to balance time with.