Whilst the game is in its own league when competing with WoT, WoWp and WoWs, there are huge issues with the game. First of all, the matchmaker is broken as I constantly get uptiered no matter which nation, which rank, which br (battle rating) or which type of vehicle. And gaijin (company who made the game) seems completely ignores its player base and as viable feedback that gaijin could utilise to make the game better not just for the players, but for them as well. And just sticks their head in the sand and decides that hey you know what, we will just complicate things for every one. But other than that, the game has the most combat vehicles in a game, and its competitors can't keep up. Final verdict, it's great but there are major issues that need fixing and the company who made it just wants you to give you your money to them and doesn't take criticism or feedback kindly. But it's worth it and certainly deserves more credit than it gets and you should get it.