The film "Pictures from A Hiroshima Schoolyard" owes much to many in its fundament (Reverend A. Powell Davies, 1945), in its catalysis (Reverend Robert Hardies, 2002), in its logistics (The Hiroshima Children's Drawings Committee, Robert Freeman, 2006), and by the film production team (Brian Reichhardt, Shizumi Shigeto Manale, and Matthew Mazza). Distinction is accorded to the "Pictures" in that they represent foundational hope, expressed through the artistry and aspirations of children. They are admonition to all humans in the realty of an atomic age, documenting that curious mix of evil intention and desires for ending a terrible war. The combination of All Souls Church, as custodians of the "Drawings" and the "Picture" film team as visual story-tellers, provide a gift to the world, messaging that the atrocities borne of the dropping of atomic weapons on humans, should never be practiced again.