This farm uses natures violent side to control the farm instead of using peaceful technological solutions to keep the farm running. It showed that it was naive to create a completely natural ecosystem as it resulted in heaps of bloodshed. They used techniques like using animals to kill other animals so to stop animals from eating the fruit so they could gain profit instead of building protection using technology for the fruit plants.
However the idea to have a diverse farm with lots of plants and animals was a good one it could have been done well if they used science and technology to create a harmonious environment instead of causing animals to suffer by creating a completely wild farm. Just as animals benefit from domestication, love and safety and animals in the wild are in danger and a harsh reality. Also I would have prefer if they created a wall keep the animals safe to stop coyotes from coming in instead of grabbing a gun and murdering the coyotes. Getting close to nature is a great thing but getting close to technology is also good too many farms go one way or the other, harmony is created when you are using both to the best of your ability.