If you just want a fun film of black widow in action then this could be the film for you.
But the film had no sense of risk or reward. We know that black widow survived up until endgame and there was no way of her dying around this time so that takes out the main character risk. And we also know that dracov's widows haven't ripped the world's economy apart by the time of the next chronological film so the only 2 big risks have already been made non-risks by every other movie in the franchise.
It would've made so much more sense had it been set when bw first escaped from dracov with Clint and shield and all that, and had been released after Ultron maybe.
It also seemed to pull heavily from all the captain America films:
·Avenger is on the run from everyone, everywhere
·There is an agency of spies blah blah that everyone thought was destroyed ages ago by said Avenger
·There is a risk of some super trained spies, with similar training to the protagonist, being commanded by the villain to destroy the world's governments and economy
·The bad guy is russian
and the list goes on
Basically my big issues with the film all come from the fact that there never being any plans to do so, so there was no planned references before and after the film was set that would actually tie it in properly. why was there no mention of Yelena or any other widows in infiniy war or Endgame?