This is the worst modern AAA game I've ever played . A complete insult to the videogame industry as well as Betheada's forgiving fans .
The fact that people paid 60 bucks for this and defend their purchase just drives home the point that you can sell anything -- ANYthing -- with a ton of marketing .
A cynical cashgrab meant to bleed their most loyal customers. There is literally no reason to play Fallout 76 over pretty much any other game released since maybe 1987, except that it was marketed like crazy and people don't want to admit that they threw their money down the toilet .
It'll take a really special game and a lot of time spent with it personally before I buy another betheada game.
It's all the boring parts of Fallout 4 witbout any of the engaging ones, basically . Plus insane glitches , truly awful performance on even ultra PC setups... Almost no work went into this game besides the team who designed the overworld map.
Insulting . Even a mediocre fallout to play with friends I was willing to deal with , but there's nothing to really do with friends except you're grinding in the same area . This was fun in Phantasy Star Online in 2000, not in 2019.
Everything about fallout 76 is so bad that it makes you question capitalism .