Written by a faithful friend! I admire Rebecca's humility and genuine desire to seek and serve God, which is expressed so powerfully in her writing. Her faith is beautiful - and although faith is a gift from God, faithfulness is something I can see and want to commend her for. Rebecca has a "childlike faith," as Paul commands us to have, and in this book she explores how her abusive relationship made her doubt that faith as a 'lack of understanding,' when it is more understanding than many self-professing Christians will ever have! This is an important book that shed light on false prophets, the wolves masquerading as sheep (Matthew 7:15). It is a very important message to Christians and non-Christians alike, men and women, dating and single. Rebecca does a great job of describing what it means to love like Jesus loves, within healthy boundaries for earthly relationships. My prayer is that through this book anyone who has been/is in an abusive relationship would find freedom and courage, and anyone who has been/is abusive would see clearly themselves and their actions clearly and that they would learn to love LIKE God, and that they are loved BY God.