Roshi revived goku with a kamahamaha wave. Goku is white. Yamcha doesn't know martial arts. Goku got his gi from his grandpa not master roshi. Piccolos antennae is imbedded in his head. Goku name is not kakarot. Chichi had to hide the fact that she knows martial arts from her parents. Goku goes to high school and doesn't fight people who challenge him and is serious all the time. MASTER ROSHI REVIVED GOKU WITH A KAMAHAMAHA. There is no puar or tien. There is no krillin. Nothing about this movie is dragonball exsept for the name. I can now never unwatch this lame movie. The writers just whipped out their guns and started pissing on all dragonball fans. I can tell you one thing this is one golden shower you don't want to be apart of. Giving it even one star I can not do but it made me.