Xenoblade 2 is phenomenal, one of my favourite games of all time and I'll tell why that is and why u should play it and that's bc the story and the characters r amazing, not as good as the characters in xenoblade 1, but still amazing and the gameplay of xenoblade 2 is even better than xenoblade 1 tho xenoblade 2 gameplay is bad at the start and u probs want to go and watch some videos from enel as the tutorials don't do a good job at explaining gameplay or at least that was what I thought but maybe I'm just dumb idk anyways this game is a jrpg so it is long and it does take some time for the gameplay to be good and the game does have a lot of anime tropes but plz don't let that throw u off but yeah if ur willing to give it time, ull enjoy it, plz play this game, I'll take about spoiler in the next part so if u wanna go in spoiler free, then go off this review right now.
So I'll talk about the characters and I'll try to give a mini analysis if u wanna call it that anyways Rex is amazing and if u don't like rex at first, plz give him time he gets better as he goes through a lot of development like the ending of chapter 7 contrasts the ending of chapter 3 as at ending of chapter 3, rex sees vandham die and starts to attack without thinking and only lives bc Mythra saves him and in chapter 7, rex sees pyras corpse but keeps a level head as he's learnt to keep charm and think things through and even malos says he's surprised that rex isn't charging at them. Pyra goes from wanting to die to finding a reason to live bc of rex, Mythra leans to overcome her trauma and open up to ppl (I think I might be misremembering her arc as I haven't played 2 in a while), Nia has to stop hiding the fact that she's a blade eater and accept herself, I've forgotten about Tora tbf but I remember him being likable and has an interesting backstory with his dad and grandad, poppi is just so loveable and her fear of being used as a weapon to destroy the world is heartbreaking, Morag is just so badass and I can't remember much about her but kayjulers made a video about her so u can learn more about her from that but ik she's still good, Brighid is cool with her journal keeping the memories of her past lives, Zeke starts off as the goofy team rocket kinda like character but shows he's actually quite mature and wise and his backstory with Pandoria is rly interesting and makes them both quite interesting and I kinda just said all I need to about Pandoria tho the glasses unfogging is rly nice and the villains r interesting too with amalthus hating the world due to him seeing the worst of humanity, malos is evil bc of amalthus' influence and it made him believe that his purpose in the world was to destroy it up until his final last few moments and Jin is easily the best antagonist as the way his psychology changes throughout the base game and torna make him such an interesting character, anyways that's what I think of the characters, tbf I've probs not praised them enough as I don't remember xc2 that well but play it!!!