As a pediatrician who has concerns about vaccine safety, I read this book in <24 hours. I remember hearing Dr Mikovits present retroviral science at a medical meeting and thought her data were credible.
I would encourage readers to wade through the difficult to understand science and ask if it is possible that the replication studies that purported to refute her were ironclad. I am in the process of reading the original papers critically.
I worry that retroviral contamination of vaccines could explain a lot of the pathophysiology we have seen exploding in the past two decades. Specifically, methylation abnormalities, immune dysregulation, and mitochondrial dysfunction seen in autism are consistent with effects of a retrovirus.
Although engrossing, the book is not extremely well written. The specifics of the science will be hard for a lay audience to understand. If I had been asked to edit the book, I would have suggested everyday analogies to make the science more relatable for the press and public.