The show lacks a certain substantive moral barometer. The times I have watched it was due to the guest I respected, not the content of the show. The words the hosts use betray them as being real women of God. Offering up a prayer for someone is disingenuous when later on comments of sexual innuendos are made, laughter about alcohol (claimed so many lives & enslaved many by addiction), mocked those who take a moral stand other than their own, etc.. The desperation for a "cheap" laugh seem to be predicated on the same old material centered on secular, hedonistic, ideas & values. God is not mocked. He created beautiful African American, Mexican/Spanish, Jewish, Native American, Scandinavian, Chinese, etc.. people, & we are not to recreate what He has created, & Christ is our example to emulate & follow. God always knows what's best for us. We CHOOSE our lifestyle, but remain accountable for our choices. God can transform anyone & Bless them with True Love, Joy, Peace, etc.., & that is what should be woven into the all too often empty rhetoric to make a real difference in people's lives.