I recently watch the movie and now feel totally deflated ... almost like a bereavement. This has totally spoilt the franchise for me. ​
The original trilogy were some of the best sci-fi movies ever written. They portrayed a dystopian future with the human race fighting to survive.
The movies had a clever plot commenting on the idea of where society was heading as well as theories in physics/computation concerning the idea that we are living in a simulated reality, the possible consequences of Artificial Intelligence etc. They also push the boundaries when it came to new visual effects and action scenes etc.
There was always a "love story" running through the original movies with the premise that love is what drove "the one" on. I can guarantee that, for the demographic that bought into this movie originally and formed the huge fanbase, the love story wasn't the primary motivation.
The only similarity that the new movie has with the former movies is this last thread, a love story. Ok here are my specific moans:
- matrix is/should be more than just a love story. This isn't a romantic comedy and the demographic that are bought into everything else the matrix is wouldn't be impressed that it has been turned into this.
- the new movie added little commentary on the future of society.
- when did the matrix ever do funny? It destroys the entire feel of the story.
- the movie felt like 3 separate disjointed parts. There were possibilities after the first 30 mins that it could have gone in a better direction but it just got progressively worse.
- The fight scenes were some of the worse I have seen in recent action movies. Most of them were filmed in such a way that it was difficult to focus on individuals. Neo doesn't seem to know kung fu any more regardless of what he says in the movie. Most of the time he waves his hands and performs a "force push".
- The fight scene with Morpheus was laughably bad.
- The change of actors for some of the major roles just didn't work.
- What happened to Smith?
- Why did some of the friendly machines look like something cute out of a Disney franchise. Trying to sell some toys to kids? Again not the genre of this franchise (at least I thought).
- The ageing of Nairobi was laughably bad.
- Both Morpheus and Nairobi characters didn't fit with the mental model I had built of them and it was jarring.
- The new characters were forgettable.
- I wasn't bought into the new, or old characters, for that matter because we didn't have time to connect to them. With it being a long movie I'm confused as to why it felt rushed at the end and why don't I feel a connection with the characters. I think the answer lies in the idea that it's a disjointed movie with 3 separate parts. It's an incoherent movie with a number of ideas sewn together that eventually just ends up in a badly written romantic comedy.
The Last Jedi brought the Star Wars franchise to its knees for many fans. Compared to this however it was brilliant. The really irony is how the quality of these movies comment on how society has changed for the worse.
All I keep thinking is that this was Superman IV - the quest for peace bad. Fortunately not many folks are old enough to remember that little gem. The ones that are have probably blanked it from their mind. That's how I genuinely feel about this movie. I feel traumatised. I just can't look on the franchise the same way now.