The reviewers are all correct about the stilted writing, jagged storyline, some first timers in front of a camera, etc. However, this is why I watch low budget horror films, especially Australian films. They provide slack jawed, spittle dripping, uncomplicated amusement. If I look away to play with Cat for a bit I can come back to the movie and not have missed a thing. And I am partial to Australian films. Cool accent. Personal interactions that are relaxed, even casual. Delightful social customs (g’day mate, drinking to excess. A believable toughness that is born of the outback, personal loyalty). And Australian girls are just very attractive. The takeaway from me is this is a low budget production, with plenty of horror interspersed appropriately, familiar alien infestation of zombie manufacturing “spores,” a strong female lead, and male characters intelligent enough to listen to the female scientist-doctor-sheriff-cell tower repair person. Won’t watch again unless my daughter comes over for a day. But has been a good morning of straight forward horror escapism. Watch with a low expectation and you will be thoroughly entertained.