From reading other reviews I guess I'm in the minority here. I thought this book was awful. Its just one endless battle, which if you like that sort of thing I guess is ok. To me it was just pointless mind numbing descriptions of fights against endless waves of meaningless enemies.The main villain seemed to come from nowhere and I have no idea what her goal is other than to be a hot evil lady. Also its not funny, its cheesy. A major character dies and I literally didn't care, and 5 minutes later Harry is making stupid jokes as he shouts Fuego and Forzare over and over again. I wonder how many times the word "freaking" is used in this book? Maybe my tastes have changed as I've read and enjoyed this entire series for many years but I thought this was just painful and a chore to get through. To be honest I've not even finished it yet, about 80% through but even if the ending is great,which I can't see being possible, there is no redemption for this garbage. Hate to say it but maybe I'm done with this series