The people who advocate for this game, content providers on YouTube, are lied to and deceived on a routine basis, given something that hasn't been released yet to do a video on it, but things are different about what gets released. Or announce they are told there is something that will not be changed in the game, cause the developers told them so; Several weeks later the opposite happens... The content providers are again apologizing to their audience... You aren't going to be treated much better.
-- Nobody gets gamed, more than the gamers. Being experienced, and having 80% trash happen for 20% decent games, even if you lose... Turns into the average, especially if you spend money on the game. It's like a mode gets turned on, because you will be trying and not leaving soon.
-- One of my favorite episodes: There was a type of tank that was killing me every time, for about ten games in a row...once, got me at the beginning of a game point blank as I came around a corner, before I make it four hundred yard... I was about 1,600 yds to that teams supposed start point... Oh, guess which typed of tank was on special that week?
-- Caught them using a player's gamer tag, that wasn't in the game. He was a friend in a group, all chatting while we were in the game - he was playing Rocket League. HIs status on Xbox verified that, on friend's list. Have check this out on PC and Console.
-- When it's "Whales night out", you will find yourself repeatedly on maps that allow the other team to limit your travel to one area, where the team is surrounded and destroyed... usually by people in a squad, in voice communication with each other, seal clubbing a multiplayer team who have no idea who the others on the team are (or even if they aren't bots), limited to stopping and typing on the keyboard for communication. I ran simulators in a previous life, and know being gamed when I see it, I used to do it to people.
-- Great graphics and some hard work done on the game, too bad the ethics seem to not be there. The only way to describe it, is dealing with a bunch of Carnies...Same mindset as the folks operating the games on the Midway at the State Fair. They've managed to put dog droppings in a beautiful wrapper.
AI is used heavily in the game. AI can look at all your teams behavior and habits, and counter accordingly. This game and World of Tanks have a relationship with the Russian Military - WoT even has had it's logo on the side of Russian Tanks in International Competitions - and they are collecting data for them. They are Russian Companies, so saying no may not be an option. For some of you wondering how these games can be so broke and full of "cancer", and still survive financially... Wonder no more. It is a data gold mine, and behavior experiment also worth it's weight in gold. A great platform to test AI's ability to come up with an Order of Battle on the fly. So understand this going in.