The Original Japanese Masterpiece: Gojira! This is a great movie thanks to some clever lighting, low angle shots, camera speed, and fantastic optical superimposing effects. This movie is dark and depressing, there are scenes showing people dying, people being crushed, AND EVEN A MOTHER TELLING HER CHILDREN THAT THEY WILL BE JOINING THERE DADDY IN HEAVEN SOON!! This is a masterpiece, he’s not just a giant monster attacking Tokyo, Godzilla is a reference to the two atomic bombs that dropped into Hiroshima and Nagasaki…But the American version of the film Godzilla, King Of The Monsters! This version is just…pretty bad, and it’s re-edited. American Studios hired Raymond Burr for 6 days playing as an international reporter, and is covering Godzilla’s rampage. I’m not a big fan of the dub, so if you’re gonna watch the original Godzilla I suggest you watch the Japanese version (although the dub made Godzilla popular so it’s not too terrible.)