This so called “Canadian” who does not “bow before the alter of hockey” should actually do some fact finding before she opens her mouth. She said it was her own experience she was talking about, but if you replay it, you hear she is generalizing about all hockey players. I don’t know about anyone else but most of my equipment was passed down, we were a middle class family where both parents worked and put me in hockey so that I wouldn’t be out causing problems. My love for hockey brought me to coaching, and I still maintain a great relationship with most of the young men and women I coached.
Her comments are shameful, disgusting, distasteful and hurtful, the fact that the other hosts on the panel condone her actions and stand by her are just as bad.
My opinion of this panel has nothing to do with race or gender, it has to do with the fact that people who have the luxury of getting to a large audience and them being able to use this to spout hateful comments.
All of you on this panel should be ashamed to call yourself a Canadian. As a Canadian born hockey player I am ashamed of you.