Cheesecake man fights invader zim character but invader zim character has bots that can: spin like the blade blade you lost when you were in middle school, aiming bots because laser goes zoom, a punching bot for some reason and some monsters that were shrunken and put in the wrong game. You also have ghosts that aren't Cucumber shaped but instead you have: fire ghost that attacks with his hand because why not, Green ghost that likes to zoom to u and not to forget a fricken purple ghost that likes to play jump rope with you. The story is simple, the Chad yellow moon man has a wife and a child and a ugly dog and apparently it was his 25th birthday and Mrs. Ball-Man got him some cake but then Bald-Man teleports into a big sewer and talks to his old friend on his airpods, dried cucumber ghost and basically said "help me God pls this Invader zim knock off is gonna like fricken destroy the world and took my friends because he has NONe". Being the Chad oval-man he agrees and goes on this wacky adventure. Now long nose-man has never talked before but now he does and the voice actor was Thomas the tank engine! 1!1!1!1!! In this exciting totally not repetitive "SPAM X, X, X, TO WIN FIGHTS" You will meet the pickle amigos ghosts and save the world!1!1!1!!1!1!!!! In this game you will probably die a lot because ghosts don't like cheese and bots like shooting your round buttocks. To help you on your journey yellow cat-man has the ability to do the Super Peel Out and the bounce bracelet expect it only works for attac-
Lemon Man can also attack with his fists because anyone that wear gloves can fight!
When Speedo-Man can't do things because plot says so the 2 ghost amigos can help! Pink pickle can summon blocks but only 3 at a time and red flaming hot pickle can shoot with his finger guns and also scream so loud it breaks metal! You need cookies and sugar? Well, take a bite from the random places you visit! We got the Editable Metal, The bowtie for the runner, the shock that smiles back and the Power Cookie!
This game is good ish just play it once because combat is annoying and repetitive and platforming is a bit too easy in my opinion. Though this game is THICC compare to World 1 and World 2 (longest is world 3) I still think World 1 and 2 are better because longer doesn't always mean better.
UNFORTUNATELY GAMERS there's no boppin tones 😔 in this game so please play some music 🎧 while playing this game 🙏