6/10 at best. The edge was painful, comparable to the katana collection of some guy who always wears a fedora. Was it interesting at first? Yeah. But did it stay interesting? Nope.
Was it trying to communicate something? I have no idea, but I really don't care. It didn't make me care. I prefer any of the fan favorite joker performances over this one. Because they got me interested, and kept me interested. Mark Hamill as the joker? Brilliant. And so is the writing. Same for Heath Ledger's Joker, Dark Knight was a really good movie, as far as Batman movies go.
The acting was definitely amazing, but it feels wasted on this writing. A 16 year old "enlightened intellectual" might have written this, and it would be the same. Many of the main points are the same after all. Watched once, won't watch again, was at least somewhat better than rewatching an old movie I guess.
Joker 2019: "wE liVe iN a sOCieTy"
Everyone who's ever heard an enlightened Rick and Morty fan rant before: "Cool"