First of all, anything with Joaquin Phoenix in it, I'm watching. I find him to be a fascinating actor who embodies his characters, and lives them. I went into this film not reading anything about it. For about the first third of the film, it was very confusing to me. Up until they started traveling together, then all the pieces started falling in place.
I have to admit that at this point, Scientology came to mind. But as the movie progressed, it's more about Freddie, the Phoenix character, and Philip Seymour Hoffman as Master, another great actor. These two parts are probably the deepest, most emotional parts I believe I've ever seen played together.
You draw your own conclusion at the end of who The Master truly is. Amy Adams plays a great part as Hoffman's wife.
This is one of few movies I sat through for the entire film. You won't regret witnessing the exquisite acting of these two brilliant actors.