One of the worst, most boring idiotic movies I have ever seen. I've never watched anything with Noah Centipede (or whatever) and his portrayal of a douchie kind of guy doesnt go with him. Their acting was extremely cringy to watch, it's as if they're kind of delayed of what they're supposed to say. The message at the end of the movie was a good message to send out but I think it could have been reworded or acted in a certain type of way that wouldn't make it sound cringy. There was this one part where the boys were kicked out of the sorority house after the girls had some home decorations and used them as a weapon to protect James and when the boys were walking home at night you can just see the bright lights used to lighten the scene right in the background as of all of a sudden the sun came out. Overall, would give it a 3 out 10.