Pure unadulterated BS Dwts used to be my favorite tv show... key words...’used to be’. I can’t believe that the judges scores don’t mean more than they currently do. What’s the point of having judges if it’s only based on a popularity contest and not the actual dancing. Why should the contestants bother with rehearsing at all if all they have to do is show up for their votes each Monday?! Purely pathetic of ABC to allow such idiotcy. It’s a complete shame for what they did to Juan & Cheryl. It was a true injustice to them.The producers of the show should lose their jobs for allowing this to happen. I don’t think I can continue to watch this show anymore and I’ve been a fan sice the start. They need to listen to the fans or dwts will be a thing of the past. Bring Juan back in the competition. He’s the real winner and everyone knows it. Cheryl did an amazing job this season with her choreography and it was obvious that she was having a fabulous time dancing with Juan. They both deserve to be in the finals as the top ranked dancers with the most perfect scores. #total BS, ABC!!