ZSJL is a beautiful movie and to be honest I’ve read some beautiful audience reviews right here on Google that I’d rather not seek to compete with in that poignant manner in which they’ve summed up my sentiments of the movie .
I’ve seen it twice so far, in big spots on the first watch and near entirety on the second viewing.
My mind wanted to compare scene for scene, feel for feel between Zack’s and Whedon’s so I went over to Netflix and opened another window to view the original release . There is no comparison, no “also ran”, no way anyone in their right mind utilizing their birth given intellect can say this is inferior, lack luster, rushed or a waste of time .
This movie captures the grandeur of super heroes as beautifully as comic illustrator Alex Ross renders them.
Each scene is explicitly detailed and invites you to bear witness until the next set piece is ushered in, you have better character development, story arc, cinematography and overall scope.
Each character’s evolving history is delivered, understood and drives your appetite onward until the much darker yet enthralling climax .
As an artist both sonically and visually as long as you value your work and the audience’s time you will revisit your highest points of creation and seek to understand how you did it right and how could you better the wrong .
Mr Snyder in my belief had been a man riddled by a dream so bright yet misunderstood through the onset of family tragedy and finally by corporate “say so” that he was encapsulated by “what should of been”, the guilt and burden of proof to cast of the C+ director status, to truly revel in the glow of an A list director misinterpreted.
This is your redemption Zach, this is your magnum opus... your indelible and complete love letter not only to cinema but to every comic book fan who has traversed the Highway of dreams, promises and deliverance .
P.S . Joss Whedon is a great writer and has excellent potential at being a director, I don’t fault him for the previous film as he was called in to rework and condense a previous piece of art of another artist’s conceptualization along with corporate pressure . Both have had middling results at best . Better movies have come from Whedon before and will come again.