Dear Scott & CBS NEWS
"What is the highest mark that News Broadcasting can attain?"
To be "accepted by the (masses) as factual, and reliable.!"
Scott, do you feel that you have "license" to do GUTSY, from-the-heart reporting?"
Your presention tonight on "High velocity bullets, spotted owls, climate change, (by the WRONG criteria,) have stigmatized you as a "laky-of-liberalized REPORTING, and a "down right SHAME!
Does anyone in the NEWS Bullpen HAVE A INDEPENDENT BRAIN?
Does ANYBODY do any independent reading on the "Subjects.?
High velocity rifle cartridges are DESIGNED TO DO MAXIMUM DAMAGE. (That's why we kill game animals quickly, and ENIMIES AS FAST AS WE CAN, BEFORE WE ARE KILLED!
Scott, Chicago is a great example of TOTAL GUN CONTROL.
yet, Hundreds, are killed yearly, CRIMINALLY, with Guns.
Scott, P L E A S E, address the problem---(the human)