this was by far the worst movie I have seen all year. it's absolutely jaw-dropping at how badly they messed up making this movie. first, of all the casting was terrible, no hate to the actors because I love them, but come on Leon didn't look remotely like his original character whatsoever. second of all why were Chris and Jill in this movie when they're not even in the resident evil 2 remake game?? Claire Redfield's whole character was based on her ambition to find her brother, Chris in the game. But, within the first 10 minutes of the movie they've already met up?? why was he in the movie when he wasn't present in the game. As for Jill Valentine, she wasn't even mentioned in the re2 game, no idea why she was in the movie let alone cast so terribly. Don't even get me started on Leon and his character portrayal in the movie, he was made out to be the "rookie who has no place being in the police force" in the game he was a rookie, but he knew what he was doing and wasn't a complete idiot like he was in this movie. Not only was his portrayal terrible, but he only got an overall 10 minutes of screen time yet he's the main character in the game?? makes zero sense to me. this movie has so much wrong with it and barely one thing right about it. was exceptionally disappointed in this movie I don't recommend going to see it.