This movie made quite literally no sense, with a music score that didn’t really match the tone of the movie and synthesizer added in at random moments it was kind of a mess. The story is all over the place and there are quite a couple plot holes. As for effects they were quite bad as well, especially the lead character hanging upside down on the plane ( literally she would’ve died it was so unrealistic) and the dodgy looking creature. I love a good female leading role but this obviously was made to make a point and it just comes off as cringey. The acting was subpar and the ending credits were so weirdly edited in it didn’t even match anything and was more funny than anything, featuring the cast who we saw for maybe five minutes, as half of the movie focused on her sitting inside of the ball turret. Also might I add that baby would literally be dead or have shaken baby syndrome that damn thing was flung around so many damn times it was just comical.