As someone who has been a huge fan of Jim Parsons, since the early seasons of big bang, I was excited for this movie. It seemed like an interesting premise and a rather unique one. But that's all it really is. A good premise. After that, it goes downhill. As a story where Jake is titular character,we see very little of him, and don't get any real insights into the character, he is less a person more like the suitcase in pulp fiction, we see it, we hear about it, we just don't know what's inside, though we want to. The B plot seems unnecessary and out of place. Alex's character is the driving force of the story but despite some great acting work, the character in itself is just so endlessly irritating and stand-offish. During the first half, you try to sympathize, by the end it's really hard to care for someone so dull and off-putting. Greg(Jim Parsons) is a better character but for some reason it feels like halfway through the film Parson forgot how to act, he seems uncomfortable all the time, completely out of place and like he is struggling to find his character's footing in this pathetic screenplay. Maybe this is concept made for a great play, but it really doesn't work as a film. It's boring, repetitive, and despite having a lot of potential, ultimately fails.