Might be the most disappointing NHL game I’ve played. Not the worst, but you’d think they would fix things.
Penalties: The penalty mechanics are worse than ever. There are plenty of non-calls and phantom calls along with the ridiculously sensitive poke and stick lift calls from previous versions. You can argue that you need to learn how to position players properly but even if you think you have good position, you are at risk of getting a penalty. FIFA is much, much better at this aspect. In NHL, you need to play positional but even then you can get called for phantom penalties, while blatant interference isn’t.
Goalies: There are garbage goals left and right. This is the NHL. A top 10 goalie in the league can let in 2-3 softies in a game. Nonsensical especially in a 15 min online game.
Line changes: Don’t try to go manual. You’ll end up with tons of odd man situations. The game should be more intelligent on how this is managed.
Non-superstar superstars: some players punch above their weight. I’m a Habs fan and so-so players like Jordan Weal are much too good. Superstars like Crosby are not good enough especially along boards, where they are amazing IRL.
Cut scenes: Much too many. Makes online play choppy as hell.
Online: No timeout mode for poor connections. Poor level matching.
There are many more little things but those above make the game extremely frustrating.