Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) is Stanely's second foray into the war genre. Paths of Glory, with its crisp, clear B&W has a tendency to make the film feel intimate and deadly serious at the same time. FMJ is loaded with Kubrician 'easter eggs" and other surprises. Watch when Joker kills the sniper. He is wearing his peace sign on his collar as he prepares to shot her. As he puts his fingers on the trigger, the peace sign is covered by his collar. He shots her and the peace sign is completely covered. The second he is finished, the collar moves and the peace sign is visible again.
Be sure to look in the background and all the billboards in Hue City. There are a lot of advertisements for toothpase (winning the hearts & minds.) The last thing I'll bring up is the whole "Mickey Mouse" issue. The sergeant, in the beginning, is constantly referencing this, he says, "What is this Mickey Mouse bullsh!t?" When Joker is in Hue City and is in a meeting for "Stars and Stripes." Look in the background behind Joker and there is a stuffed Mickey Mouse toy right behind him. And of course, the ending where the young soldiers are marching through a landscape of flames proudly singing their boyhood theme