WOW! WOW! WOW! This is an amazing real story!( This book has been renamed to "Mistaken Identity") Kevin lived through and experienced the worsted of the worse this world has to offer over and over again, BUT GOD loved him through it all and brought him to the true understanding of True Love and forgiveness. I was amazed as I read this book at how many horrible things happened and how many things Kevin tried in his search to find who he really was and is. I truly have a new level of appreciation for how far God's Love can reach a lost soul. If you are struggling with anything, I mean anything! READ THIS BOOK! God is searching for you even more than you are searching for your answers.
I so glad Kevin shared his hard to relive story about how God change his life from a Queen to a King. If you or someone you know is struggling with sexual sins, This book will not only help you but set you on the road to permanent deliverance and a new life with a new identity, the way God made you. Thank you Kevin for adding the prayers in the back of the book.