I really enjoyed this movie. It does take shots at the far left and far right of modern day culture. It also shows how much weight the internet has in this day and age, and how random rumors online can grow and cause real world consequences.
Just about everyone in this movie is a horrible person, from the people being hunted to the hunters. Both extremes suck. If you sit on one of those you may feel that the movie is taking shots at you. It is.
Just because the liberals are hunting people, doesn't mean the victims are any better. You could flip the script and both side would still come off as bad. The lines some "right" wingers say, are pure cringe that you wonder if they don't belong at a Klan meeting or a conspiracy club.
The main character is the only person who is unaligned with any ideology. Kickass fighter and was a greater actor for this film. Leans more to the silent protagonist, but i felt that worked here.
This is the perfect movie to show how stupid political our culture has gotten. You can not like this movie, that's fine, but if you feel attacked by it, then you may be a part of one of the political extremes, Left or Right.
Overall i found this to be a fun popcorn flick. It's very gory, like more so than the average horror movie gory.
If you do not take politics too seriously, then sit back and laugh at the idiots today's climate has turned people into.