I love the show very much. CT Is the man; he is just good hearted and very sweet. I would stop watching the show if he left. I think Amanda needs to go, she sucks at all the challenges. She can't fight her way out of a paper bag, I feel she is dead weight, if you ask me and has a bad attitude.....I think she is jealous of tori because tori is so wonderful. I sure hope Bananas comes back. We need him to get back on the show as well. Also i think Nany is bad at challenges, and just wants to hook up with everyone that's all she seems to do. Big T now that girl has a big heart and at least she gives it her all; unlike amanda and nany. Talk about what a joke. Bring CARA MARIA SORBELLO back and WES AND DEE.... I use to love Ashley, but she never would have won that money if not being for Hunter. And the way she acts now is so sad to me, she was once one of my favs. But money changed her for the worst, now she has lost her self....Hunter I'm so sorry you had to run a final with someone like that....But we all have your back Hunter, and we hope you come back soon.We love you Annessa and will see you next year. Tori you alway make me smile your so happy all the time and I love that about you. Nelson I don't no what to say about him or cory sometimes I like them sometimes I don't..Be back soon