This show us absolutely awesome! But...
Monica & Kayce & son Tate are the only thing happy & good on this show! WHY break that up!! A family fighting for their land they have had for many generations need to fight together! The Duttons need to stand together! This is the first series show that I'm absolutely hooked on but not if your gonna split em all up or kill em off the show. We need 20 more seasons of Duttons & the family growing!!! 🤞🤞🤞🤞 I am adding to my review..
Why would you get so many fans hooked on a show that you are not goingvto continue! People are buying Yellowstone merchandise like crazy cuz we love this show. I just read that Jimmy is getting killed off the show!! WHY?? This is one of the BEST shows to come out with this genre in so many years & now you just want to kill the good people off or shut it down. WHY? WHY? WHY? NOT COOL AT ALL.