The ENTIRE POINT of link's awakening is asking the question "Do the dreams lives matter?". The problem with that story is you never actually proved that they don't. If the dreams were something other then "just" dreams then what sentence could they say that says "We don't deserve to die because you kinda want to go home."? What if wind fish is lying and it's not just a dream you wouldn't be able to prove it from inside the dream.
And how is Marin escaping the dream as a seagull not a direct hypocrisy to the original point ? Dreams don't become seagulls ! That's not a thing.
That point makes it seem like the wind fish wanted to wake up more then he cared about the "dreams" lives.
So it comes down to was the wind fish stupid or lying ?
And the implications of this are scary to...are all dreams alive in this context or just the Koholint island citizens.
It just seems like a sociopath getting everything he wants.
Like the 2 worst characters in the story get everything they want.