Angel Garcia bravely shares parts of his journey and embraces even the ugly parts of his past through poetry. The reader gets an in-depth look of Garcia’s innermost thoughts, secrets, and emotions. The emotion in his writing can be felt without him explicitly stating it, which is attributed to his superb writing skills and his take on masculinity. Often, Garcia discusses his lacking capability to address emotions because of the mindset he is expected to have as a man. The effects of his childhood teachings evolve into an aggressive, abusive male that fails to have compassion due to his stunted emotional growth. This leaves an angry man that then falls into the mold of toxic masculinity and outbursts of rage. He vulnerably shares the intimate parts of his life in a very honest way, from him physically abusing his girlfriend to him cheating on her as well. He doesn’t shy away from his mistakes nor does he change the narrative to benefit him. His book offers a new perspective of toxic masculinity.