Visually the movie was pretty well put together but the casting and acting as well as the plot itself was pretty terrible in my opinion, I’ve played almost every MK game since it’s start and the movie takes bits and pieces from both storylines (original and reboot) and kind of just mashed it together with a new lead character in Cole Young. Personally and it might just be old school bias but as cheesy as the original two movies were I enjoyed them more than this attempt at a film reboot, Liu Kang looks like a buff 12 year old and Scorpion had maybe 4 minutes of actual screen time which made no sense to me since he’s suppose to be a crucial part of the plot in this version of the story, regardless the best casting in the movie I’d say was Sub Zero/Bi Han and Kano at times. All and all the movie was a disappointment to me and my friends but hopefully if they follow with a sequel they can improve on these things.