I have not watched it yet but I watched a few scenes and it seem really cool and the characters are absolutely adorable and look just like their parents :)))))))) honestly people who dislike like this show needs to stop its not even bad and are just toxic Naruto fans and complain about anything Ex. "Oh NaRuTo AnD SaSuKe BeEn NeRfEd" "BoRuTo Is A BrAt" "ThEiR CoPyInG ThEiR PaReNtS" "BoRuTo Is TrAsH" "BoRuTo AnD SaRaDa ArE So WeAk" (um first of boruto and sarada are children of course their power is not gonna meet your expectations yet) and don't forget the overused one "WhY DoEs SaRaDa HaVe GlAsSeS" "SaKuRa GaVe BiRtH To An UcHiHa WiTh GlAsSeS ShE's So UsElEsS" ( um sarada got sick as baby and also karin gave them to her as a gift also sakura is not weak nor useless idiots need to stop saying that)so just please shut up, also I really like the character boruto a lot people tend to misunderstand him in the show (I mean he just wants his father there for him and hima,hinata so in fact this show is not bad what so ever stupid people like to make up things so this show can have a bad image i really recommend and please don't listen to those stupid toxic fans :).