I was in love with this show! It was amazing, it was interesting, romantic and really enjoyable. Things I wished the show would have done differently is put adrien and marinette together, but otherwise it’s just perfect! Things I wish to know is how many more seasons will be created in the future? I hope many more will come because it’s just sooo amazing! And I would never want it to end! Otherwise I think the creators have done a fantastic job doing this show because it’s just perfect! This show got so connected to me that when I finished watching all the seasons, I decided to rewatch them all again...again....again and again! I read some 1 star reviews before, and I don’t mean to hurt anybody’s feelings or be rude, but there was this person that said some bad things about David Astruc, I respect everyone’s opinions of the show, but I realised a lot of people didn’t really like it but I realised people have their own opinions but I thought the show was awesome I hope there are some new plot twists in seasons 4! I really recommend this show because it’s awesome! I have never felt so amazed by watching a tv show, and if you haven’t seen this show already your missing out on such an amazing show! (Also this is my opinion if you don’t agree with me it’s fine, you have your opinion and I have mine✨)
I sort of changed my mind of what I said before, if marinette and adrien be a couple and know each other’s identities marinette will go all coco so if your going to make them a couple make marinette not shy anymore
I decided to add on to my review... So I had an idea of how adrien/cat noir and marinette/ladybug can get together, so I saw the episode of what had happen when adrien figured out that marinette was ladybug but became cat Blanc of a broken heart and something else (I forgot). So I thought when adrien moves out of his house without his father him and marinette can be together without anyone stopping them because no one can control him and tell him to break up with marinette. So that’s what I thought of how marinette and adrien can be together without getting controlled. But what I also thought is they should become a couple after they defeated him and got the peacock and the butterfly miraculous and kept them safe from everyone