This has to be my favorite movie of all time and for people who do not understand somethings hopefully this can help...
Christine killed Darnell because she didn’t want him knowing that she could drive and fix herself.
The car did not kill the owners brother because she refuses to kill parents or siblings (notice how she never killed Arnie's parents when she knew they didn’t want her)
Christine was rusted and beaten up because it was sitting for a long time it was a car from 1958 and the movie was set in the 70s and clearly the owner didn’t take care of it because he either got to old or Christine got tired of him and wanted someone else.
For people that thought Lee and Dennis would sell the car like the previous owners brother did are kinda dumb because the entire movie neither of them liked the car and they both wanted it gone and when Arnie died they weren’t going to let that happened to someone else.
And lastly they should 150% make a sequel because is was clearly left open for one after a piece of the grille moved so they should make a second one where Christine was maybe found in a field and the next person could fix her and she goes back and finds Dennis and Lee when they are old and goes on another killing spree.