I had to stop this show in the middle of second episode due to pseudoscience coming from this show. When they were explaining the circadian rhythm, the show states that it is connected to the earth’s magnetic field. Somehow moving time zones is related to the magnetic field of the earth, which can change the circadian rhythm. This is absurd The NIH has done studies on a magnetic field exposure and changes to circadian rhythm. Only to conclude there is no significant change.
They also made statements about drinking water flown in from different places around the world despite claiming that the show is about environmentally friendly solutions to climate change. That’s the exact opposite of being environmentally friendly. Bottled water is bad, yes. The fancy water Being promoted in the show is no different in its impact on the climate than the bottled water found in stores. Consumers in modern infrastructure have access to water from the tap which contains all the minerals that a consumer needs just like the fancy water. Selling bottled water of any kind is misleading the consumer.
Last statement, this show screams like the frat boy answer to Gwyneth Paltrow’s pseudoscience show. Watch actual documentaries which are on Netflix instead of this show. The older man in the show is just as nuts as Gwyneth. Zac has heart to care but is misguided by poor influence. It seems like the added Zac to attract a more mainstream audience. Rather than the wealthy people who buy into pseudoscience.