This game is such a strange combination of things that while it feels like a mess it's surprisingly structured. The story is very original, yet it makes absolutely no sense and it's pretty far out there, it's still a break from your average, regular stories, so there is so much to talk about and to do. The world is huge and it will suck up a lot of your time. The concept of delivering things is a little weird, it's a DHL/walking simulator with a crazy sci-fi story. This is why I took off one star, it's just a little crazy and all over the place in some ways. However, the world has a feeling about it, it's a parallel universe in so many ways. The feeling of immersion is pretty deep, with an amazing soundtrack, graphics and great acting by world class actors. So definitely feel like I got my money's worth, although it could have been a little less walking around like a crazy man and a little more action. So yeah, the action is mabye 10% of the game. 20% is the story and cinematics and 70% you just walk around like crazy in a massive world.