This game is trash.
1. Matchmaking is the biggest problem in the game at number 1 for the fact that it simply doesn't work most of the time. Now when I say it doesn't work I mean in the sense of putting you against players of similar skill. You mostly find yourself either playing one handed destroying your opponent with minimal effort, or you are throwing everything your little gamer fingers can justu to try and defeat an opponent that somehow seems to be impossible to hit as your sword swings straight through them, or you hit them 10 times and they are perfectly fine. Then you get hit with a less powerful weapon 1 time and you're dead instantly....
The frustration from this alone is enough to warn all you know against playing but I promise it gets worse.
2. The Game modes.....
I'm not at all sure what they are trying to accomplish with how they have the games set up.... but they need to stop. Between the 40 and 68 player games they have 2-3 game modes mashed into one pile of not so fun. Those are seige, team deathmatch, and recently, the last team standing mode. seeing as you have no choice as to what faction you will fight for or the game mode you will be playing when you select the 40 or 68 player games, it really loses luster quickly. The game even had you select the faction you want to represent at the end of the tutorial (one and possibly only actual good maybe even great parts of this game) but that choice doesn't matter at all.... (slap in the face). Free for all mode 1v1 and 3v3 are also available with all if not more issues with each and every one respectively. Beginner mode is a cute joke anyone can join and offline play might as well be non existing due to the bots inability to challenge even the most novice players.
3. The servers and cross platform play.
I'm just gonna say I really don't see this game lasting long if they don't improve greatly and soon.
Thanks for all who made it this far and hopefully this constructive criticism will inspire wonderful future changes in this game. It could be great, but right now it's just untapped potential.