I rate this film as PPPP - pukey propaganda puff piece. Every time HBO comes out with one of these hyperbiased, left woke style documentaries, I am forced to question whether the subscription is worth it... At this point, the only thing that's keeping me subscribed is because I like to rewatch Zack Snyder's Justice League cut, but my patience is wearing thin.
The film has absolutely zero balance, is completely biased to the viewpoint of the players, and does nothing to provide a fair view of the economics of what happens in professional soccer federations. One of the telling parts of a film was a tweet that was shown which said: "let's be honest - no one gives a crap about us women's soccer in America." The movie brandished the tweet as a sign of America's misogyny and sexist bias - however, I think that tweets sums up the issue in its entirety. Women don't get paid as much because fans don't give a crap as much. Instead of chanting EQUAL PAY, EQUAL PAY, maybe the fans of US women's soccer should be chanting WATCH MORE GAMES, WATCH MORE GAMES.