I have watched the show for many years and overall I do like it - mostly. BUT I truly don’t understand why on earth Whoopi seems to be the ‘be all end all’- personally to me She ruins the show….I find her very rude - constantly interrupting anybody else on the panel if SHE thinks they are getting too much camera time when in fact any and all of them are a LOT more interesting to watch and listen too. I truly don’t know why the he’ll she is still on there to be honest. Joy is by far a much much better person to be the head honcho at that table - she is quite entertaining whereas Whoopi brings nada to the table. Please let me know WHY she is the moderator on that show - she is rude and very I’ll mannered - farts , burps etc are so common with her. Please give us a break and get rid of her - at least until she learns some bloody manners.