(There is a summary at the second to last paragraph, if you don't want to read this entire thing)
Gone-away lake. It's a book about some kids going on a train (ALONE, which, in MY opinion, is very odd...) to a cabin. Then they go and find some old people living in a swamp. Some other unimportant things happen like the time they found a mysterious rock with stuff written into it and it turned out the old people had wrote into it so they didn't go into the topic..? I expected the rock to be something interesting or cool but it turned out it was a disappointment JUST LIKE THE REST OF THE BOOK(YAWN)
Horrible. What is the point of this book? Yes, it's about old people and nature. Yes, it's a classic. But when I buy a book with my OWN money, I expect a little adventure, or at LEAST a plot. I can't even begin to tell you how BAD this book is. I was GOING to use italics, but this review doesn't deserve it.
Also, the characters are soooo boring. They have basically no personality, and no character development.
I expected a lot from this book. I hoped-- believed, even-- that this book would be an exciting adventure or mystery. Even if it wasn't, and was educational or something, that's fine. But this one was NOTHING.
Just so you know, I've never written a review as long as this before. Usually only a couple of sentences.
This unsatisfactory book has driven me to do so.
Plus, the writing style was deficient. Very wordy and overly descriptive. I didn't really care about that as much, though. That type of thing doesn't bug me as much as major plot holes and pathetic characters.
The book is just a few small adventures (if you could call them that) jumbled together. Again, there is no plot whatsoever, the characters are miserable and the word choice is annoying.
I know this all sounds harsh, but please, don't waste your money and time on such a pitiful book.
-A 10 year old who loves to read