Fantastic, so happy for the return. Been waiting for this come back. When Good Eats left the air I was heartbroken (insert emoji face cry) Good Eats to me was mind opening and fun, a great escape from the daily dredge. "comfort T.V." Like comfort food.. thanks internet for the definition - "Adults, when under severe emotional stress, turn to what could be called 'comfort food'—food associated with the security of childhood, like mother's poached egg or famous chicken soup." Except I associate Good Eats with my early adult life, learning to cook, the tips, techniques, history, science and fun. This brings me back to those days. Thank you Alton, I am now enjoying this new series with my teen girl, who is now finding the joy of cooking for the first time. For me my entry into cooking was Julia Child, for my Daughter, it's Alton Brown.