An absolute masterpiece! I bought and played it as soon as it came out at 1999 the Japanese version Biohazard 3: Nemesis. That was the only version available then and language was a bit of a problem but my RE2 experience helped me to move forward to the end! And again and again and again. Played it countless times and I found out there are few different endings and a Mercenaries mode which makes it even more awesome than it already is! The remake is a great game but just as a game, not as a remake to the original one! And also I know there are a lot of young gamers who love over the shoulder camera in Resident Evil games but not me! I love the camera in the classic RE1, RE2, RE3, RE0 and Code Veronica! I feel more safe with it and I already know how to handle it very well while over the shoulder is not a RE type camera! RE2 Remake is indeed an amazing remake - very well made but that over the shoulder camera for RE is making me look like a rookie while playing!