The Shannara Chronicles has some pretty fantastic acting, filmography, and design. It does, however, fail miserably in writing.
It's as if the writer had a board of fantasy tropes and cliches that they threw darts at and then intermingle coincidences, chosen ones and "that wasn't a coincidence it was destiny"s until they have a story with some kind of action and romance that they can sell to lovestruck teenage girls and horny teenage boys.
The main character is coincidentally the only living paternal heir of some ancient king.
He just happens to get robbed by a girl who later turns out to be the last living descendent of some race destined to be the key to a puzzle.
And this robbing coincidentally is happening at the same time as the actions of the first female "Chosen" break a curse.
And the only reason the boy is out in the wilderness to get robbed is that the boy's mother coincidentally died in the previous episode triggering him to leave home.