This game blows fr, people only rate this well because they like the show. Don't get me wrong I like the show a lot, but this game is a horrible game. You press 1 button for combat over and over and over the entire time, the only gameplay in the entire game is the most mechanical boring enemy arenas one after another. Go forward, 3 enemies spawn locking you in, press button on enemies until dead, go forward, 4 of the same enemy spawn, press button on it until dead, go forward 2 new enemies spawn locking you in, new enemies are identical to the ones you just fought, press button until dead. This game is a mind numbing chore to play, not to mention the disgusting art style, they use hyper realistic lighting on cartoony models and environments. I like cartoony character models, and I like beautiful well lit games, I hate the way this game combines the two, all of the characters look like action figures, the realistic lighting on the cartoony models just makes them look plastic and uncanny.
This game blows so hard and it doesn't deserve the 9/10 it gets, it only has that rating because people who loved samurai jack were desperate for more content from the ip, and nostalgia does all the work for the game, the game itself is a boring single button uncreative game made from a kit, there is nothing interesting or original about any mechanic in this game. Just cause the you like the show it was from doesn't mean the game is good, bad games should be treated as such, they don't get a pass just because it has an ip you really like.