First and Foremost, This is a game, not real life. Lol. I am only writing this because I have read some of the opinions of other people and it should be solely based on the actual game itself. Not so much how we as the consumer have followed Ellie and Joel through Last of Us and how we sympathize with the character.
The game is awesome. If you are reading reviews to determine to either buy the game now or wait awhile until the price comes down or you find a used one, I'd say buy it now. Graphics are really good and well balanced. Gameplay is very good and smooth throughout the game. Music is on point with dramatic scenes and the story line is dark yet it draws you in to keep wanting to see what happens next.
For me I just heard about the first game Last of us about 3 weeks ago, and bought it for 11.99 from Walmart. This was the remastered version of PlayStation hits. Very good game as well and you can see the amount of improvements that were made from the first. Do you need to play the first one to understand the second, I do not think so. Its a game and throughout a lot of the story line in the second game you can figure out who's who and relationship between people. Although I would buy it, just so you can say that you played it. It was good.
I recommend this game to everyone.